Saturday, September 24, 2016

I am almost done with revising my film summary and so far its been going well! I'm not going to lie I have been pushing it off till last minute because I keep telling myself how hard is it to write a summary? I've realized that it takes a lot of time and effort to write the summary because I have to make sure I don't analyze the movie. This Monday I have my first organic chemistry exam and I am so scared/nervous for it. I don't really know how to study for it and the only thing I keep telling myself is that I want an A. I know I shouldn't worry about the grade because I know that when I do...I don't do the best of my ability on the exam but I panic and all. Hopefully I will prepare myself really well and see what happens. Honestly, I cant believe midterms are just around the corner for my organic chem and physics class. Physics class will literally be the death of me. I feel like my brain just doesn't comprehend anything dealing with forces and vectors and what not but I am always trying to keep a positive mind and try my best! The one thing that is preventing me from trying my best is my confidence. I literally have no confidence in anything that I do in my life which kind of affects the way I study and all. Hopefully my goal is to try and build my confidence.

1 comment:

  1. You DO seem confident. No doubt, you did just fine on your exam. When you say, "I know I shouldn't worry about the grade because I know that when I do...I don't do the best of my ability on the exam but I panic and all," I have to agree. I think grades can be a terrible obstacle to real learning. This is in part why I grade "holistically." As for your Doc Project, just review the essential elements, make sure you've gotten some good feedback and put my instruction into play. I'll bet you've done just fine :)
